BSBADM406B Organise business travel (suitable for BSBADM406)
This book develops the skills and knowledge required to organise domestic and overseas business travel, including developing associated itineraries, booking travel and accommodation, preparing travel-related documentation and making travel arrangements. This book supports BSBADM406B, Organise Business Travel in the Business Services Training Package.
This book develops the skills and knowledge required to organise domestic and overseas business travel, including developing associated itineraries, booking travel and accommodation, preparing travel-related documentation and making travel arrangements. This book supports BSBADM406B, Organise Business Travel in the Business Services Training Package.
This book develops the skills and knowledge required to organise domestic and overseas business travel, including developing associated itineraries, booking travel and accommodation, preparing travel-related documentation and making travel arrangements. This book supports BSBADM406B, Organise Business Travel in the Business Services Training Package.
ISBN: 978-1-921780-61-5
Unit code: BSBADM406B
Author: Beverley Weynton
Pages: 98