BSBITU301 Create and use databases Access 2016
There are NO RETURNS on sales of this workbook. This Unit has been superseded.
This workbook covers the skills and knowledge required to create simple two-table relational databases with reports and queries, for storage and retrieval of information.
It applies to individuals that may provide administrative support within an enterprise, or may be independently responsible for storage and retrieval of data relating to their own work roles.
ISBN: 978-1-925291-24-7
Unit code: BSBITU301
Author: Software Publications writing team
Pages: 144
Download the table of contents (below) for a list of topics covered in this workbook.
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content mapping against the Unit of Competency
workbook learning layout
assessment mapping against the Unit of Competency.
This workbook is printed in black and white only.
There are NO RETURNS on sales of this workbook. This Unit has been superseded.
This workbook covers the skills and knowledge required to create simple two-table relational databases with reports and queries, for storage and retrieval of information.
It applies to individuals that may provide administrative support within an enterprise, or may be independently responsible for storage and retrieval of data relating to their own work roles.
ISBN: 978-1-925291-24-7
Unit code: BSBITU301
Author: Software Publications writing team
Pages: 144
Download the table of contents (below) for a list of topics covered in this workbook.
Download the sample pages (below) for:
content mapping against the Unit of Competency
workbook learning layout
assessment mapping against the Unit of Competency.
This workbook is printed in black and white only.
There are NO RETURNS on sales of this workbook. This Unit has been superseded.
This workbook covers the skills and knowledge required to create simple two-table relational databases with reports and queries, for storage and retrieval of information.
It applies to individuals that may provide administrative support within an enterprise, or may be independently responsible for storage and retrieval of data relating to their own work roles.
ISBN: 978-1-925291-24-7
Unit code: BSBITU301
Author: Software Publications writing team
Pages: 144
Download the table of contents (below) for a list of topics covered in this workbook.
Download the sample pages (below) for:
content mapping against the Unit of Competency
workbook learning layout
assessment mapping against the Unit of Competency.
This workbook is printed in black and white only.